Thinking about entering the 2023 Rookie Awards? Here are six reasons why we think you should.
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With a few different categories and subcategories to choose from, there is something to inspire you at this year’s awards. Most Think Tank students enter in the Film of the Year category, and
always the Rookie of the Year category. In the ROTY category you can find 10 subcategories that might reflect a few of your projects. You are allowed to submit multiple projects to multiple subcategories, or create one entry with a few different projects. Remember: always provide breakdowns of your work with each entry, and when submitting multiple projects in one entry, make sure to point out what ties the projects together. For example, maybe they’re all fantasy characters like this entry.

Learn more about the categories here.

Think Tank Blog Register for Rookies Listicle Header 2The Rookies have teamed up with a number of amazing companies to offer one random entry with a Digital Arts Studio Bundle worth $35,000USD. For a chance to win, all you have to do is complete two simple steps:

1) Create and publish an eligible entry to Rookie Awards 2023.
2) Post an Instagram Reel using this audio track, and add artwork from your Rookie Awards entry that showcases how far you've come as an artist. Make sure to include the following:

  • FOLLOW @therookiesco
  • TAG #MyRookiesJourney
  • Include the URL to your Rookie Awards entry in your Reel’s description (e.g. 

Note: while the Rookie Awards closes June 1, this part of the contest runs until June 30, 2023.

Learn more about this contest here.

Think Tank Blog Register for Rookies Listicle Header 3Lots of artists think this contest is just for monitored portfolios and polished demo reels. Well guess what…it’s not! The Rookies want to see all your best work, so feel free to show off your Fundamentals Term (formerly Foundations Term), Intermediate Term, and Advanced Term projects!

Check out the entries so far in this year’s contest here.

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With 21 partnering studios, making up nearly every corner of the Film and Games industry, entering the 2023 Rookie Awards is an amazing way to launch your career. From a mentorship at EA Sports to an intern position at Wฤ“tฤ FX, there’s an opportunity that suits your goals. Plus, there is a great mix of virtual and onsite positions, so you can feel good about applying even as a remote artist.

Learn more about career opportunities here.

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Throughout the Rookie Awards, entries are made live on the Rookies website as soon as they are published. This means that the sooner you get your entries in, the longer your community of fellow artists, recruiters, and the contest judges have to view your work. You never know who might see your amazing project(s), so make sure to get yours in soon! Remember: the contest closes June 1, 2023.

Submit your 2023 Rookie Awards entry here.

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Applying to the Rookie Awards can be a bit nerve wracking at times. But don’t worry! We are here to help you confidently submit the work you are most proud of! If you ever have a question about the Rookie Awards or your 2023 submission, reach out to Corey at

Good luck! We can’t wait to see what you create.